Elements Glossary
Text A text box with customizable font, color, size, weight, line height, etc that is often used to communicate important messages to users.
Multi-User Slot: A slot that hosts multiple video feeds and auto-populates based on how many users join. Often used as “overflow space” to accommodate an unspecified number of users.
Screenshare: A slot that hosts screenshares instead of video feeds and is more flexible and customizable than automatic screensharing.
User Count/List: A count of users in a workspace or room that can be displayed as icons, numbers, or names. Often used in auditorium or map settings.
User Search A search box that allows users to search for each other in a room or workspace. Often used in events with many rooms and complex navigation.
User Slot: A slot that hosts a single user’s video feed and is necessary for a user to appear on-screen.
Action Button: A button that makes things happen to elements, rooms, users, or a workspace, such as showing rooms in the Rooms List or removing a user from a slot.
Breakout Button: A button that moves users throughout a workspace, such as bringing all users to a room or breaking users into a set of rooms.
Layout Button: An advanced button that is used to transition a room to different layouts via snapshots of elements.
Override: An advanced button that is used to conditionally set overrides on properties.
Toggle Button:An advanced button that is an interactive switch used to turn on and off properties.
Audio: A MP3 file that is uploaded from a user’s computer or Google Drive. Often used as a sound effect or as music in a room.
Image: A visual asset from an admin’s computer or Google Drive. Often used to add accessories to a room, such as transparent PNGs of furniture or drinks.
Music: An element that plays music from a YouTube video. Often used to enable multiple sounds at the same time with varying volumes.
Slideshow: An element that can be configured to show a series of images in sequence, like a PowerPoint presentation. Often used in auditorium settings.
Video: An MP4 file from an admin’s computer or Google Drive. Often used to overlay video effects onto a room and play videos during a presentation.
Web Media: A video element that specifically plays web-based video via a URL.
Backpack Item: An element that displays a backpack item with a specific tag on a user slot.
Canvas/Whiteboard: A blank canvas that allows users to draw on a specific area of a room. Often used for live collaboration during meetings.
Card: An element with front and back images (that a user can peek at or flip between). Often used in casino games.
Chat Element: A chat box that can be used in place of or in addition to the left-hand chat bar. Useful for when admins want to display messages on-screen.
Checkbox: A checkbox that users can check and uncheck to trigger actions.
Doorbell: An image that can be clicked to notify users via Slack, Discord, or email.
Dropdown: An interactive list that triggers an action based on a selected room, user, or custom option.
Feedback: An element that prompts users with a text box where they can leave feedback for admins.
Picture Strip: A display of three pictures that will show up when the Take Picture element is clicked.
Poll: A set of options that users can select in response to a question. Often used to gather feedback after an event.
Question Board: An element where users can post questions that can be approved or removed by admins. Often used during panel settings in place of or in addition to the left-hand chat bar.
Take Picture: A button that triggers a five-second countdown and takes a picture when clicked. Needs to be accompanied by the Picture Strip element.
Waiting List: A list that users can click on to add their names and opt in for notifications when it’s their turn. Often used in office hour settings.
Analog Clock: A ticking clock element that shows the time in each user’s local timezone (by default) and features hour, minute, and second hands.
Countdown:An element that counts down from a specified time and date. Often used on a welcome page to count down to an event’s start time.
Digital Clock: A clock element that shows the time in each user’s local timezone (by default).
Scheduled Time: An element that shows a single specific date and time to users in their local time zone. Often used on a welcome page to communicate an event’s start time.
Stopwatch: An element that counts upwards from zero.
Timer: An element that counts down from a specified time interval. Often used in presentation and speed dating settings.
Arrow An arrow shape. Often used to point to specific elements.
Circle: A circle shape.
Rectangle: A rectangular shape.
Triangle: A triangular shape.
Room Preview: A live feed of a room that users can click on to enter that room. Often used to stream a presentation into rooms within the same workspace.
Website/iframe: An element used to embed external content via a URL.
Updated almost 3 years ago