User Slot
A slot that hosts a single user’s video feed and is necessary for a user to appear on-screen.
User Slots are where users' video streams will appear. Without any user slots placed in your room, you won't be able to see or hear anyone. With user slots, you can control how and where users appear, how they interact with each other, and exactly how many people appear on screen.
How do I add a User Slot?
You can add user slots by clicking the icon in the Toolbar to create a blank user slot in the middle of your room.
Once a user slot is placed, you can resize and reshape the user slot using the blue boxes.
By default, user slots are set to Auto mode, so that users will automatically appear in them when they enter a room. You can change this, and other default properties using the Toolbar and Advanced Properties panel.
How do I change how a user slot looks?
You can control just about everything for the design of a user slot.
Using the Toolbar, you can:
Round Corners or Circular User Slots
- Click on a user slot to pull up the Toolbar.
- Click on
to open the dropdown.
- Using the second slider bar, you can change the corner radius of the user slot. Click on the
icon next to the square to change the shape of the user slot entirely.
Add Audio Indicators
To add a border to indicate when a user is talking, click on Audio Indicator in the Toolbar to open the dropdown.
With the toggle switched on, you will be able to select the color, width, and glow for the audio indicator using the color picker and sliders.
Learn how to add Shadows to add depth to your user slots, or how to add Filters and other property edits using our Editing Elements docs.
How can I make a Click to Join slot?
Click to join slots are a great way to take questions, hear from students, or just allow guests to be "on stage" without having their feed in a user slot for the entire event.
- Select the user slot you want to make Click to Join.
- In the Toolbar you will see an option for Mode.
- Click on Mode to open a dropdown menu and select Click. Users will now be able to click into or out of the user slot, instead of appearing automatically.
When making a user slot, we recommend editing the design to look similar to the one below: An outline with a text element stating "Click to Join, Click to Leave" or similar to help users understand how the slot works and see where to click.
Join Modes
User Slots have multiple join modes. The three most commonly used are below, and you can learn more about them by visiting the Join Mode:
Auto: The default property mode. Your guests automatically pop into the user slot you've added.
Click: Your guests can click into a slot to appear on screen. (Import "Tuchinksi Auditorium" from the Room Gallery to see a great example of click-to-join slots).
Manual: Assign a slot to a specific email address or tag. Only that guest will be able to fill the slot and will automatically appear in it upon entry to the room.
How do I let users move themselves around?
Depending on your room or event, you may want users to be able to move their user slots around the room. To make an element draggable, use the icon to toggle Allow Users to Drag
or enable the Draggable property under the Interaction category of the Advanced Properties panel.
Visit our Draggable / Rotatable / Resizable / Deletable doc to learn more about how to restrict or enable who can interact with elements.
What's the difference between Mirror Mode and Mirror User Element?
While sounding similar, these two properties do very different things. Mirror Mode will control how a user video is displayed to the user and others. Mirror User Element will duplicate the contents of one user slot to another.
Mirror Mode
A mirrored image presents the view of yourself that you're used to seeing in the mirror; ohyay automatically mirrors user video for more natural video results.
To turn off mirroring:
- Select a user slot.
- Under the Layout category in the Advanced Properties panel, open the menu next to the Mirror Mode setting.
- Select whether this user video should be mirrored for everyone, for only the user shown in the element, or for no one.
Mirror User Element
Mirror user can be used to duplicate a video stream from another user element. It can be used to achieve an effect like this:
To make a mirror user element:
- Create a new user slot element and open its Advanced Properties panel.
- Search Mirror User Element or scroll down to the Advanced category.
- Click the
next to Mirror User Element. Use the dialog to choose another user slot in the room or workspace. Your element will now "mirror" whatever is shown in the chosen slot.
A mirrored user slot is not a normal "joinable" slot, meaning you cannot drag-and-drop someone into this slot (you must drag-and-drop into the original slot that this one is mirroring).
Updated almost 3 years ago
Curious what else you can do with User Slot elements? Check out some of our demo workspaces, chat with our creators in the discord, or head over to the community forums to ask!