Screen Sharing
How do I share my screen?
- Click on the icon on the top of your screen.
- Choose what you want to share from the three options: Entire Screen, Window, or Chrome Tab.
Entire Screen: Click on the rectangular preview of your screen and click Share.
Window: Select your application window and click Share. Note that ohyay does not currently support audio sharing in a window.
Chrome Tab: Select your tab and click Share. Make sure to check Share tab audio if you want to share audio.
- When you screen share, the video feeds in your room will (by default) go above the screenshare.
You'll see your screenshare thumbnail under your room name in the Rooms List on the left.
- To stop screen sharing, simply click on again or click on Stop sharing at the top left of your screen.
Advanced Screen Share Settings
Click on the next to to see options to:
- Adjust the custom quality of your screenshare
- Crop your screenshare
- Share high quality audio
- Share audio only
How do I increase my screen share's resolution and frame rate?
- Click on the next to the icon.
- Check the box next to Custom Quality.
- Hover over the width, height, and frame rate boxes.
- Click on the up and down arrows on the right side of each box to increase or decrease the width, height, and frame rate.
How do I crop my screen share?
- Click on the next to .
- Check the box next to Crop Share.
- Select what you want to share and crop it like you would crop an image.
- Select Crop.
How do I share high quality audio?
Click on the next to and check the box next to High Quality Audio.
How do I share only audio?
Click on the next to and check the box next to Audio Only. This is commonly used to share music (e.g. Spotify) from a tab.
How do I prevent my guests from sharing their screens?
By default, everyone in your workspace should be able to share their screen. To disable screen sharing across your workspace:
- Open up your Workspace Settings by going to Workspace > Settings from the menu.
- Select Show Advanced Properties in the Workspace Settings dialog.
Look to your Advanced Properties on the right-hand side. Search for Screen Share or scroll down until see you see the Interaction category and Enable Screen Share.
Uncheck the box next to Enable Screen Share.
Now, screen sharing should be disabled across your entire workspace.
How do I enable anyone in a specific room to share their screen?
- Go to Room > Room Settings from the menu or click on your room's name in the Rooms List.
- If you don't already see a panel of properties on the right-hand side, click on Advanced Properties.
- Check or uncheck the box next to Enable Screensharing under the User Media category of your Room Settings.
How can I restrict screen sharing in a room to specific emails?
- Follow the steps in the above section to access your Room Settings.
- Click on the icon next to Screensharing Email List.
- Add the email addresses of the people who will need to share their screens in the room.
How do I customize the size and positioning of my screen share?
You control how automatic screenshares are positioned and sized in your room by following these steps:
- Go to Room > Room Settings from the menu or click on your room's name in the Rooms List.
- If you don't already see a panel of properties on the right-hand side, click on Advanced Properties.
- Look for the Screenshare X Offset, Y Offset, Width, and Height under the User Media category of your Room Settings and adjust the sliders.
How do I add a screenshare element?
You can create a screenshare element that allows even more flexibility in size and positioning than your default screenshare.
Simply add a Screenshare element or follow the steps below:
Click on the icon at the top of your screen to create a new user slot.
Click on the user slot to access its settings in the Toolbar and open the Advanced Properties panel.
- Click on Camera next to Auto-Join Stream Type under the Element Category and select Screenshare.
Now, the element will automatically grab screen shares instead of a person's camera feed.
To see examples of screen share elements in ohyay, search for Veranda Presentation Room and Presentation Room in the Room Gallery (Room > Import Room.)
Can't see previews of your windows/tabs on macOS Catalina or later?
You may need to configure your OS to allow screen sharing in your browser. See these links:
Updated almost 3 years ago