Recording & Streaming
ohyay has built-in recording and streaming functionalities. Streaming works with popular providers such as YouTube Live, Vimeo, Twitch, and Facebook. You can also live stream into a video element in the same, or any other ohyay workspace. Any streaming provider that allows RTMP input will work with ohyay.
Recording a Room
To record a room in your workspace:
- Open the Room menu and select Start Recording.
- You'll know your room is recording when you see the red *Recording message at the top of your screen.
Open the Room menu again and select Stop Recording.
Click on Workspace > Manage Recordings to download your recording.
Recording Multiple Rooms
To record multiple rooms in your workspace:
- Open the Workspace menu and select Start Recording.
- You'll see a recording bot appear in the Admin Rooms List, which will act much like a regular user in ohyay.
- Right click on the recording bot's thumbnail in the Admin Rooms List (see above) and select Have User Follow You. Now, the recording bot will record whatever room you decide to move into. This lets you record and stream events that move throughout your workspace.
Recording bots as users
Recording bots can also be moved by action or breakout buttons, just like other users.
Open up the Workspace menu and click Stop All Recordings when you are ready to stop recording.
Click on Workspace > Manage Recordings to download your recording(s).
Viewing Recordings
Recordings can be viewed using the Workspace > Manage Recordings menu item.
Hiding/Blurring Elements from Recordings
Select the element to pull up its settings in the Toolbar and open its Advanced Properties panel. Check the box next to Hide in Recordings under the Advanced category to hide the element from your recording.
You can also blur an element from a recording by checking the box next to Blur in Recording under the Filter category of the element's properties.
Streaming from ohyay
Open the Workspace menu and select Start Recording.
Click on Add Stream in the pop-up window.
- ohyay supports sending streams to multiple streaming providers. Simply provide the RTMP base URL and streaming key from your provider to start a stream.
Streaming into another ohyay room
You can stream one ohyay room into another room (or even another workspace). This can be useful if you want to set up an overflow workspace to let users watch what is happening in the main workspace if the main workspace is full (for example, you have over 500 guests). Or, you might set up a room in the same workspace and let users with a bad connection watch a live stream from this room- the live stream can buffer and might use less bandwidth if there are lots of speakers.
To do this, create a video element in a room (in the same or any ohyay workspace). Set the video element to use RTMP. Enter an RTMP key suffix in the video element (of any string you like- this just identifies the stream. For example, "main"). Then, start live streaming as described above. The video element will have read-only properties for the RTMP Base URL and RTMP Key. See also STREAMING RTMP INTO OHYAY .
Slight Delay
The streaming will have a slight delay of 1-10 sec depending on the user's connection.
Invoke Play
You may need to "invoke play" on the video element to start the live stream.
Streaming RTMP into ohyay
You can stream RTMP streams directly into ohyay video elements. To start, create a video element.
Select the newly created video element by clicking on it in the canvas. Use the search box in the Advanced Properties panel on the right to search for "rtmp". You should see an option to Use RTMP. Check the box next to this option. You should see something like this.
The RTMP Base URL and RTMP Key are read-only properties that you can input into your RTMP streaming program. The RTMP Key Suffix identifies your stream within your workspace. Two video elements with the same RTMP Key Suffix will play the same video, allowing you to broadcast a single RTMP stream into multiple video elements in your workspace. The RTMP Key automatically updates as you modify the key suffix.
Once you set the RTMP Key Suffix, you can set the RTMP Base URL and RTMP Key in your RTMP streaming program to being streaming into ohyay.
Make sure you invoke Play on the video element to start playback.
Updated almost 3 years ago