Room Schema
The Room Schema Element allows you to join a template room and a list of data to generate multiple rooms. Each generated room is a copy of the template that has been updated to reflect the provided data.
The first step is to build a template room that will serve as a template for all generated rooms. Make sure you use sensible titles for all the elements in this room. Then, in a separate room, create a Room Schema element and set the Target Room to your template room under the Element category:

Then you'll need to upload a CSV file to specify the data to use in the template room. The data format is explained below.
Data Format
Data is added to the room schema element in CSV format. The CSV must include a header. The first column must be called title. The other columns have the format element_title[property_name].
As an example, let's say your template room has two elements in it with titles el1 and el2. Then you can use this kind of CSV to build two rooms based on the template using this data set:
Test Room 1,Hello,World
Test Room 2,Foo,Bar
The above data will generate two rooms from the template. The first room's title will be Test Room 1 and it will have the text of el1 set to Hello
and the text of el2 set to World
. Similarly, the second room will be titled Test Room 2 and the text of el1 and el2 will be Foo
and Bar
Room References
One thing you may want to do is to reference values from another room inside of your data. For instance, you maybe want to link to a specific room. In the CSV data, values with the form ${room:RoomTitle}[id] will select the id value from the room with title RoomTitle.
Updated almost 3 years ago